Monday, February 23, 2009
Finally, a load off my shoulder!! I can breathe much better!! oh man.. Feel relieved after E-commerce and supply chain management exams.. it feels like holiday now with only one more paper to go on friday!! gonna try to start studying tonight to prevent last minute studying again.. haha.. For the past few days, loads of my brain cells have been killed with all the memorising to do.. imagine one day with 5 chapters almost the entire module.. haha!! ok, i had a week to study for it but didn't really study so it's my fault.. haha.. got plans for the holiday and I want my social life to increase by alot alot alot!! and of course staying home more often.. actually, I like staying home alot but after so many years, I almost couldn't remember how it feels like.. haha!! Good luck to those taking exams!!!
till we meet again,
3:04 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009
Many many many thoughts!! anyway been staying at home most of the days during this study break but studying seems to be a big barrier to me.. Been watching tv shows, getting enough rest,eating and minimum studying.. haha.. Good rest though!!
1 down, 2 more modules to go!! faster come, faster go!!
1st thought: People always say treasure your time and what you do because life is short.. No doubt, i did it, still doing and will continue doing it.. but at times, just how do you treasure it with all the stress, busy and hectic days?! it's hard, never easy.. the only way to convince yourself that it is a blessing to be busy and stress because not everyone have the fortune to be busy and stress.. and after these stressful period, surely we will learn something from it and continue carving our life..
2nd thought: recession and more recession.. it takes about a year or slightly more to enter recession and a few years out of it.. this cycle will continue over and over again.. when the economy recovers, the standard of living will increase sky high, prices will go up like nobody's business and when people do not have money to pay bills and everything.. they will go to a bank for loan, when the people got no money to pay the banks, bad debts will increase.. when there are so many bad debts, banks have no more money.. when they got no more money and all, the world will enter a recession.. salary will go down, prices will start to drop and standard of living will also go down.. and because of this, the average and low income working people will be affected thanks to all those rich people.. anyway I believe that when this economy recovers, a new era will be waiting to start.. because this time round, governments are doing something to help their citizens.. it's not only happening in Singapore but also in other countries..
haha ok, that's all folks, I think i need to start studying for exams.. haha!!
till we meet again,
9:18 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009
I sat down on my chair, playing songs from my laptop with book and notes on my study table doing everything and anything to get knowledge into my brain for my test today.. I have not done that for a few years.. that, is an achievement for me!! My motivation: it was already 9 pm yest and I realised how unprepared I was for the test.. phew,it was really good studying and I'll be happy with my result.. I know I've done my very best and it's kind of shocking to me that I could get so much knowledge to my brain in a night.. Just a few days back, I thought to myself, I can never go back to the past when I will just sit down and do some real studying.. maybe I never did.. hahahaha! oh well, I need to shut up and do somemore studying for days ahead..
On the other note, some people can leave me with deep admiration and respect for them while some can really leave me in despair and confused.. All I want to say is that I admire and respest this pair of parents whose son is physically challenged but yet they are so strong!!
Friday, February 6, 2009

This is my Chemical Logistics project group!!
Tomorrow is our presentation for the video!! and I look stupid in it!! haha.. I always look stupid in video even in Ecom !! haha.. nvm, it's for the project and it's kind of funny too!!
You are just too complicated and I have no intention of understanding this puzzle of yours.. If one day, I decide to tell you, I doubt you will understand.. I'm sorry but I know you will do just fine..
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Today surely didn't feel like as if our exams are round the corners.. 2 tables of mahjong, 8 of us from our class met to play mahjong in the late morning.. Mind you, we only decided yesterday to play mahjong today over at tong's house.. If only, we can be as enthu to study, we will surely pass our exams with flying colours.. haha!! ok, anyway I've learnt a new word from Wei Hong today, it's "pu na ni".. somehow, it sounds vulgar and it will be heard more in class esp. to Wei Hong.. haha!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Skipping tomorrow's morning lesson/ presentation is a big no-no for me.. haha.. Cos I have already receive the final warning letter for the module.. but look at the time now, I dun think I will be sleeping anytime soon.. Anyway receiving the warning letter is not something really proud of but look on the positive side, how many people are able to receive warning letter while studying in poly? haha.. I belong to the special few!! haha cos I believe that receiving warning letter does not equal to failing the module.. haha, maybe it's too early for me to say that.. but I will pray and make sure that don't happen to me!! anyway back to doing some school work!!